Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In Which the Matronly Ecosystem is Once Again Deeply Disrupted


Searching for Stryker's iPod, the Matron made the mistake of reaching under and between cushions on both living room and family room couches.

Now she knows where the moles must go for snacks.

She can STILL feel the crumbs, coins, screws and toys two hours later. Ghost pain.


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

At least you didn't find a cat

Becky said...

I thought you were going to come out with a mole corpse. Eek!

smalltownme said...

If I take the cusions all the way off, it's a lot easier to see all the loose change. Finders keepers!

Jenny Grace said...

At least you didn't find a mole!

Minnesota Matron said...

Oh my goodness! How the Matron lives in fear of finding a mole, considering!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Ever since discovering the bat clinging to my favorite armchair, I am careful to look before I reach.

Daisy said...

Oh, that is scary! I think the strangest thing I've found in the couch cushions was a wooden spoon.

RachelD said...

OH. I feel your Ghost Pain. Five boys, assorted dogs and two ferrets, whose major vice was sinking their fangs into the rubbery buttons of whichever remote strayed from safety, and hiding it SOMEWHERE, with several captions missing.

But you haven't lived until you've cleaned house after someone who does X-stitch. And loses needles. And one of those teensy, nippy pairs of scissors.
They were on a STRING, for Gosh Sakes!!! How'd she leave THOSE?

MJ said...

Don't think of them as rodents, think of them as potentially wealthy cleaner-uppers. Sometimes a change in perspective is all that is needed!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I feel your pain. My determination to find lost objects that may have been eaten by the couch or loveseat is inversely related to how afraid I am of what I might feel under the cushions.

Socks, utensils, crumbs, sucker sticks, wrappers; you name it, I've found it. I don't think I can top SC's bat find tho.

Angie said...

When we had to move all the furniture out of the hosue after the fire......oh God, the shit that was underneath was beyond disturbing. Have I cleaned this place in the last 2 years?? Yuck.