Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Name, The Boy, The Wit

When the Matron was not yet Matronly but not quite a Young Miss, she discovered (after one night of birth control Russian Roulette) that she was pregnant.

She and John decided to name their firstborn after the street on which they lived: Stryker Avenue.

Boy or girl, John swore. The Matron secretly knew any daughter would be a Scarlett but she went along.

When the Matron had her first ultrasound, she bit her lip through the technician's recitation: "The baby is perfect! The liver, terrific! The heart? Great. Your baby is perfect!"

"You want to know the gender right? Your baby is a boy."

And the Matron burst into tears. She felt HORRIBLE and ungrateful and knew she had won the lottery, perfect baby and all, but she could not comprehend a son.

Of course, now she can't imagine not having sons!

To wit?

Yesterday, the Matron and Stryker (11) had this exchange:

Matron: "Why are you incapable of putting away simple things, like socks and cereal bowls?"

Stryker: "Poor genetic material?"

She's certain he's going to write stand-up one day.


Suburban Correspondent said...

I wasn't able to imagine having a boy, either. But I love mine!

Karen Jensen said...

Poor genetic material! Perfect.

Allmycke said...

Oh God!
Yes, He'll be a comedy writer. Unless of course his smartass comments lands him in REAL trouble before that...

Heather said...

Ha! Isn't he a gem!?!

I didn't know what I was going to do with my boy either, but he certainly is precious to are my girlS.

Jennifer S said...

Ooh, good one! I was surprised when my first one was a boy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Julie said...

Haahaahaahaahaa! I had no clue about boys when I found out we were having one. I'm better now but still have no appreciation of bugs. Enjoy your weekend!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I have been given that exact same response!

Ari_1965 said...

Yes, he seems worth keeping.

Tricia said...

I had the same reaction when we discovered we were expecting a boy, and I immediately made my husband promise that all penis issues were his to deal with. Now, of course, I can't imagine life with a daughter.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you ever call him a sunuvabitch, you know you will crack his shit up.
I know it did mine...

Manager Mom said...

Oh, you are in trouble with that Mr. Sassypants boy. Let us not ever have him meet my daughter, or neither of them would ever listen to us again.

Mrs. G. said...

I was reluctant on the boy ultrasound as well...who knew it would be one of the greatest love fests of all time. I love a wise ass.

JessTrev said...

Ya know, I actually wouldn't *believe *them until the 2nd ultrasound said boy. I just already *knew* the girl thing... ambivalence much? Now I am just open mouthed at the hardwired nature (heh) of so many gendered traits. Kinda rocking my nurture-world. Love the sass-mouth, as Melanie would say.

Angie said...

Three girls here, so no boy experience, but love his smart-ass answer. You gotta love a kid with quick wit, especially when he isn't yours, right?

Also, love his name.

Crazed Nitwit said...

Ahahaha. Wait until he's 17....


Anonymous said...

And now I can die happy.
I know the origin of Strykers name. So darn cool. As expected.

Memarie Lane said...

Stryker is an awesome name. Very virile, very Trek-esque. If I had named my kids after the streets we'd lived on Max would be 13th SE and Jessamine would be 52nd North. The one in utero right now would be Dorado, which is kind of cool actually, but I think I'll stick with Odessa.

Jocelyn said...

I'm with you: I drew back from the idea of having a boy, yet he fulfills as much of my vision of what "having a daughter" would be like as my daughter does. He is my true companion.

Stryker's wit is worthy of his mother.

Anonymous said...

He's a quick one, that son!