Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Please Excuse Her

The Matron belives she has been not only consistent, but a wee bit (if it's possible to be a wee bit prolific) prolific.

Back tomorrow with an update. Let's just say she's spent 10 hours a day driving children here and there for a memorable Tuesday and Wednesday.

Shall we sum up? This was just today -- one run to the sporting good store for red baseball socks, four batches of brownies, a tennis lesson, trip to the library, THREE theater runs for auditions in THREE cities, one baseball practice, trip to the Sprint store for new cell phone and feeding everyone in between.

At least there's no need to monitor clothing. Merrick has embraced a new fundamentalism, and can't be bothered.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Nudity has its advantages.

Gail said...

This, too, shall pass and there will be other things that keep you prolific.

Anonymous said...

I love Merrick even MORE now!

JFS in IL said...

Ah, Merrick. He is just trying to help out by reducing your laundry load.

Anonymous said...

Goodness what a busy pair of days! I look forward to your next post.

Daisy said...

As long as the new fundamentalism isn't nudism, he'll be fine. Or wait - maybe it is?? More drama!

Anonymous said...

And I thought *I* was busy....

FOUR batches of brownies?!

Minnesota Matron said...

Yes, four. No further inquiry needed. Let's say sixty children are in the Matronly radar.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

mmmm... brownies. Did you say something else?