Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jockeying for the Future

Merrick: "Mom? If you die can I have the house?"

Matron: "I'm not going to die any time soon."

Merrick: "But everwbody dies. Even my goldfish died. You're going to DIE. Can I have the house when you die?"

Matron: "I can't promise that."

Merrick: "Can we get a piece of papew and write down how I get the house when you die?"

Matron: "Honey, let's not worry about this for about 20 years, okay?"

Merrick: "But I need to have a document. That's what we leawned today in school. If you want the house you need a document."

Matron: "What's a document?"

Merrick: "Hmmmm . . . .papew?"

He also wants the car.


trash said...

Good thinking Merrick, get in early and get your name on all the good stuff. Possession is 9/10 and all that.

Suburban Correspondent said...

My friends had a then-4-year-old who walked around his grandparents condo picking up things and saying, "When you die, can I have this?"

Jennifer said...

HA! My little brother told our grandmother that he wanted Grandpa's chair when she died. She jokingly told him to put his name on he did, with pencil, on the bottom. Twenty years later, guess who got the chair? The bottom says, "I want this" with my brother's name and the date. He was about 8 years old at the time.

Daisy said...

"Even my goldfish died." Well, he had his priorities in place. What kind of place, we won't say.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love a kid who's thinking ahead. What's with that? Travis just asked Doug last night if he got to have our house when he died! Doug helpfully pointed out that I might still want to live in it...

Anonymous said...

My husband and his sisters got into a silly mood one day after a serious conversation at the old home place, and they put sticky notes with their names on everything they could find. At the time, they were 35-45 years of age. In the end, everyone was laughing hysterically.

sue b said...

When my sister was young, she wanted a mink coat that belonged to my grandmother and begged her "Grandma, when you die can I have your coat?" My grandmother agreed. Whenever we visited after that, my sister would say "So how are you feeling today?" Watch your back around Merrick :) BTW, my sister did end up with the coat.

JCK said...

Good to have a young man around who knows what he wants. Just watch it with the paperwork.

Happy New Year, Matron! Hope it is a spectacular year for you.

MJ said...

What a bright boy who knows he needs paperwork to pass title to him!

Wait til he finds out he can do the same thing with masking tape on the back of your stuff! But don't tell your siblings, Merrick! Possession is 9/10ths of the law!