Monday, May 24, 2010

Never Move It Monday

Gentle Reader,

Remember the operatic perspective on how three items fell to the floor in the Matron's house and remained there for nearly 8 weeks until the Mother-in-Law came to visit and said: "Why is there a Diet Coke on the floor?" And picked it up.

Today is Monday, May 24. This would be seven days past Monday, May 17, which is when someone -- Scarlett? John? (not Stryker as he would have been in the hospital suffering through that emergency appendectomy) -- set this role of blue electrical tape on the banister leading into the basement.

This is right off of the kitchen in a high volume area.

Adults walk by this every day and next, walk into the basement, where the tape could very easily be put away.

One adult - -let's say this grown-up is a woman and therefore has an UTD or Uterine Tracking Device-- immediately noticed said tape and made an informed (and, yes, slightly crabby) decision to not touch it.

The other adult, much like the three children, appear untouched by and unaware of this item that needs to be put away. It might be possible for all four of them to walk by a Llama on the landing and not say -- "Uh, does this require my attention?"

Day Seven. Let's keep track!


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

This is a game you'll never win--for the simple reason that nobody else cares if it stays there until Armageddon. Sigh.

Becky said...

Oh yes! I loved that diet Coke can vigil. Game on.

Penny said...

Absolutely always the same at my house - I've tried the 'how many days can I leave it there before someone notices it shouldn't be there and moves it without me asking' test and noone in my family ever passes - not once - it's the stuff of tragedy!

jardinera linda said...

ha ha ha! the same at my house too! we see the item the first day only...then our eyes grow accustomed to it and we never see it again!
until someone comes to visit: then we suddenly sort of see the house through the guest's eyes and we notice everything!!!! weird

Unknown said...

Dear gentle writer, please be patient with me while I try to remove myself from the floor between spasms of guffawing. I love this!
Keep us posted as to the progress of the roll of blue tape! perhaps someone could try geocaching it?

Anonymous said...

It must be in the air--I've taken issue at last with Mr. D's clothes all over the floor on HIS side of the bedroom. I USED to gather them up and wash them and put them away. Nevermind that the clothes hamper was 6 feet away. Now, he's on his own. I'm only washing what's in the hamper.

Angie said...

I almost wrote you to beg for the return of What Fell Friday. That was the post when I knew I must read you faithfully forever!

Reminds me of the famous Everybody Loves Raymond suitcase episode:

~annie said...

Only trails of blood will make these items visible to the one who put/dropped them there. Today Critter called me at work to report that Henry the cat had stepped on her razor and cut himself. I wondered how he managed that, what with the razor in its place in her shower caddy and all. Oh! That's right! It wasn't actually in there...

Daisy said...

you could move the tape to another odd place - say, the refrigerator - and see if anyone notices.

debcurlydog said...

I've tried that method and the only one who cares is me :( I end up being frustrated by them not caring and pick-up/move item myself. Never ending battle in my house. Both my daughter and husband are cut from the same cloth.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

My life in a post.
And thank you for reminding me that my own MIL is coming in one week. I'm confident that there are many, many "diet coke cans" in my house. *sigh*