Friday, October 12, 2012

The Matron Has Not Been Sleeping!

Oh, loyal and lovely readers!

Yours truly is not completely abandoning her blog.   No.  She did dip through that near-divorce period.  But after a trial separation, she realizes that the cannot bear to severe this tie.   Mostly her divorce flirtations were an attempt to move over to Wordpress, but she's going to stick with Blogger.

Instead, the Matron has been fully engaged in life-on-the-ground:  everything is going great!    But this Fall, with an eye (and stomach ache) looking forward to the cost of college, she signed up to teach (gasp!) 130% time instead of the regular 100%.

This was:  A Bad Idea.

Yes, that extra bit of cash has come in handy, but the Matron has slogged through up to 200 pieces of student work A WEEK.   Much of these:  papers.   But the extra class --the one that has stopped her writing life, in all its incarnations -- ends on Sunday!   Papers will be tidied up and packaged in short order, and life returns to normal.

So will the Matron!  Thanks for being here.  Just knowing that there are reader - -friends, now -- wondering what's up, made her want to return!


Anonymous said...

Dig deep and finish strong--that extra load is ALMOST finished!

Jan said...

I'm glad you're not divorcing us. That's an amazing number of students. I like the new look -- and hope it wasn't a huge project.

smalltownme said...

Oh yay, everything is working here! I would miss it so if you didn't blog. Reading a few sentences on Facebook is like eating one potato chip. Tasty but you are left wanting more. But a blog post? It satisfies the craving.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

So glad you have decided to stay in our online world!

You 130% people amaze me. (My 16yo is taking a full load at school *plus* an online class. Six of those class are AP courses. I think he is your kind of person.)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'm weeping over your course load.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Missed you! Dump the Google Ads - they're totally not worth it. I had them back when I first started. Every time I talked about toilet training, there would be ads for puppy obedience school. Sign up with BlogHer Ads instead.

Minnesota Matron said...

Will do, Suburban. I don't like them either . . and I've earned like 2 dollars in three years. Stryker has these on instructional videos (computer basics) and gets a nice check every month. Not me.

And yes, everyone: glad I'm back.

Deb said...

Welcome back! You were "defiantly" missed. See, I put that misspelling in there just for you. It seems to be a common one among my college freshman and I wanted you to feel right at home.