Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Matron's First Give Away

Got your attention after a two day absence?

First, let yours truly digress: things are awfully busy. She's still here, but the next six weeks are shaping up to be a blur. Most nights, she thinks about The Incredibles (remember that flick?) and wishes she had some of those superpowers. Like the ability to go days without sleep or Mad Men.

So here's the give-away--and it's not just a give-away, it's a message with heart and heft.

Youth Performance Company, probably the most teen-centered, teen-driven theater in the Twin Cities, is launching a new play called Mean. The play is about just that: mean. Bullying. From what the Matron can see (and she's not allowed into rehearsals or to read a script because the Diva doesn't tolerate such parental involvement), the play also shows how family patterns of disregard or disdain shape those who bully. If you're criticized consistently at home, doesn't that become your model of how to operate?

Every young person in the play with whom the Matron has talked has said that this is an unusual, stellar production. Phrases like "awesome," "revolutionary," "best thing that's happened to me" are being tossed about by usually reticent 15 and 16 year olds. The staff at Youth Performance Company is equally enthusiastic: this one is special. If you're concerned about fostering a culture of kindness rather than contempt, this show is for you --and the show incorporates real-life elements of the actors' lives. The stories these kids have! Some of our children are walking through mine fields every day.

So here's the ticket--and she means ticket. If you post about Mean at Youth Performance Company and invite your blog readers to see the show, the theater will offer you two free tickets to a performance. And the Matron is going to encourage you not just to post about the show but to look into your own crusty little heart and those of your children. Who among us have not been the victim?

Do help spread the word about something important to our kids --and the future of sanity and civility -- and send a link to your blog post to You get two free tickets to a performance!

Here's a link directly to Mean. First week of rehearsal and a note from the artistic director of the theater!

Scarlett, aka Diva, is the tiniest one with the glasses and pony-tail!

Tomorrow, the Matron is going to revisit her own "mean" experience (as the victim), one of her most well received blog posts. The memory still gives her goosebumps. And fear.

As does the now 70 lb blood hound puppy.


smalltownme said...

I wish I lived in Minnesota.

Rebekah said...

Same here. I also wish I could see any image except the logo...???

Anonymous said...

Done -- will post on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to ditto what smalltownmom wrote.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

You are causing many of us to wish we lived in Minnesota. The production sounds fantastic and well-worth the cost of a row of tickets!