This would be the same counter, a few days later.
The kitchen counter, again. Notice the recurring theme?
A few more days pass. Peek behind that coffee pot!
And time continues to tick on.
That vase? The Matron thinks it has been sitting on the kitchen counter since approximately April 28th. That vase is steadfast! Enduring! Reassuring, almost. The Matron is 100% confident in its continued existence in just that very space. In a world of change and dangerous weather, a woman can take comfort in that kind of consistency. And yes, this vase confirms the Matron's understanding that she--and she alone-- has the magical power to move objects from where someone sets them down, to where they belong.
The two key questions: When will that vase suddenly be mysteriously transported to its place in the cupboard?
Is her husband still reading her blog?
Stay tuned . . .
Hopefully the husband will purchase some flowers with which to fill the vase! Hint hint!
ha. that vase is going nowhere.
It will stay there until someone knocks it off and it breaks. I can't imagine why that hasn't happened already.
One more question--what is in the drainer in the last picture? It looks a bit like a painted turtle shell.
You have that phenomenon at your house too?
Oh I feel your pain!!!
I bitch to myself about this phenom all the time. I run little experiments - how long will it take for SOMEONE to put things up?? I figure if I don't do it, I am helping to enable THEM to do it!
Alas, my experiments are all failures - they know if they hold out long enough - that I will do it for them.
It obviously bothers you far more than it would him. Men don't notice that stuff. You know, the stuff that makes us completely insane. Luckily, we are smart enough to think of other ways to mess with their heads.
In that scenario, I am Husband. I have the special ability to ignore almost any out-of-place object. Fortunately, there's another adult in the house (though he does travel a lot) who prefers things to be where they belong.
Keep us updated.
Madge is right. The flowered thing that looks like a turtle is what I call my flower bowl. It's a thrift store find - a wooden bowl with six matching tiny bowls. Love it!
That picture could be taken at our house - but it would more than likelt be a spedometer from a car, an electric drill or the like on the counter in the laundry room, on a chair, on hte coat rack, on....
What vase?
When I was very depressed for a long time, my husband ran the household and strange objects got their strange places in our apartment. I am just now realizing that this is not normal and I should move them. What a novel idea! I didn't realize I could do this.
Is something like this going on here? They just don't realize it?
Until YOU put it away or fill it with flowers and move it, that vase is staying put. I couldn't last as long as you have.
HA back in the days of marriage, I once left the electric skillet - the Ex's grandmother's pain-inthe-butt-to-clean skillet precisely where Ex had last used it. I never used it - I hated cleaning it. But he loved it and I got stuck cleaning it. So once I said, "No Mas." It sat for over a week with crusty stuff on it before I caved...sigh. Now I just have the teens to deal with. And they STEP OVER their stuff that I place on the landing to go up to their rooms...
I agree with the others the vase will never move, will never have flowers miraculously appear in it, and will get knocked off and broken before long.
PS LOVE your blog
I admire your fortitude. I am constantly picking up and putting away. I just can't stand for things to be out of of my obsessive compulsive quirks, I guess!
I'm always complaining about how I'm the only one who puts anything away around this joint.....after seeing this? There is going to be an experiment in this house....thanks for the idea!
I have that vase on my counter! Seriously. Same vase!
It's a standoff.
I remember my growing up years and always being annoyed with my mom when she'd sigh and announce to no one in particular, "Why is is that mothers are the only ones able to find anything or put anything away?"
Now, damn it, I'm that woman.
Our "vase" is jackets. They will live on various chairs in the house until I nearly lose my mind and finally hang them in the closet. I know I'm enabling, but I prefer my sanity.
Best of luck (I'm linking to this post today :))
It will stay there until you put it away but not before you have a marital dispute about every single infraction that has occurred over the duration of your marriage. Not that I would know anything about that.
Heh. It's tennis shoes and teacups at my house.
Love the blowsy tulips in your banner.
So is it still there?
This same thing happens in my house regularly. I'm ashamed to say I just put the giant thermos/coffee thing away this week. It's been tucked away on a cabinet in the dining room since April 26.
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